Friday, October 30, 2009

I Am So Excited

Just what could have me so excited enough to keep me wide awake at nearly 3am? I'm going somewhere tomorrow. Somewhere that is new to me. Somewhere that im hoping will throw me into a transe. Somewhere that I hope I find the day trip worthy enough to make many more trips in the future. So where could this place be?
Well, let me start from the beginning. I believe it was Tuesday night to Wednesday morning. I had crawled into bed at what seemed like my normal bedtime this past week. Approximately, 4:30 am. The television was playing and I really wasnt paying much attention to it at all, as I was exhausted.
Oh no, I did not hear what I thought I may have just heard? Or did I? My eyes flew open, I rolled over and glanced at the tv. Ah yes, I did hear it right. It's a commercial for a Quilt and Antique store. The video of the store was awesome and showed bolt upon bolt of fabric. The best part? It is much bigger than anything that i've been in to this point and looks very sophisticated. I tell myself to make a note of the store and look it up on the internet when I awake later that morning.
I fell asleep thinking about that store and I woke up thinking about that store. As soon as i'd gotten the boys off to school, it was time to look on the internet for this seemingly wonderful place. I find, it's about 1 1/2 hours from my home. The next thing I want to know is if they carry Moda precuts and yardage? Oh darn, they have very little exact fabric lines listed on their site. Ok, the phone number to the store is listed. "I'm saying to myself, "Holly, get the things done you need to do, then call this store to ask your questions".
To make a long story short, they do carry Moda precuts and yardage. I am especially interested in Lila Tueller designs. However, when I asked specifically if they carry Lila Tueller fabrics, the girl on the phone wasnt sure. Oh Darn!!
After giving it some more thought, I say I can live with them possibly not have exactly which fabrics I prefer. They still carry Moda and that's good enough for me. I have yet to find a Quilt store in my area that carries it. It's still worth a trip to go and see just what they do have. Moda has many wonderful designers and im sure that I will find another line or 2 that I am nearly as crazy about.
So, tomorrow after my DH gets finished with doing the few things he needs to get done, we're on the road to go and visit this place. And, that is why im so excited!
I hope to remember to take my camera along and snap a few pictures to post. If it's allowed, ill be back hopefully Sunday Evening to post the pictures.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Super Sunday

Ahh, FINALLY a good day! This past week had been totally manic in every way possible. My husband and I got a good dose from Wednesday to yesterday as to what people were talking about when they spoke of Teenagers. Nope, they werent exaggerating a bit. In fact, perhaps they were understating? Or was it that I was really naiive enough to think my 15 year old teenager would be different? Perhaps, a little of both? Anyways, enough of that. Today is the start of a new week and hopefully much better days. :)

There's not really much to report on the quilting/sewing front. However, I did find some really fun things to share about while browsing the web last night. I will share those ideas in a bit.

Remember the Dresden Plate Quilt that I posted about? I did finish it and gave it as a wedding gift. The happy couple loved it. We were camping that weekend and before I started to put the Quilt into a gift bag, I wanted to take a picture of it. Leaving home without checking the camera batteries was NOT a good idea to say the least. I didnt have any pictures to speak of! Luckily, the bride is a family member and she was kind enough to get pics of it for me. I picked the best one to somewhat show you how the quilt ended. It really is pretty. The picture isnt the best, but I was happy to have at least one.

And if that "forgetting to check the batteries in camera" mishap wasnt enough to learn from, what did I go and do today? I forgot to completely take a picture of last nights project.

While scouring blogland last night, I found a tutorial to make the most adorable little apron ensemble, complete with a chef's hat. As we were visiting my husbands cousin last week while she was baking cookies with her 3 year old little girl, I knew I had the perfect recipient for the apron set. Omygosh, it turned out so darn cute! Actually too darn cute. But, alas I dont have pictures again. Mom said in passing that she would take a picture of Nattie baking her cookies this afternoon. I sure hope she does. Of course, if i do get a picture or 2, I will post them here.

So, what did I find interesting last night in blogland?

1. Did you know you can dye buttons? I didnt either! There's several ways to do this. Since I didnt request to quote anothers' blog, my suggestion is...if this is of interest to you, go to google and type in "how to dye buttons" in the search field. Sites will then pop up and you can choose the best method that works for you.

2. As an avid looker, or rather dreamer of Etsy, I found the most adorable Christmas Ornaments. Again, I didnt contact the seller to ask if i could post pictures of her creations on my blog, so you will have to do the work and go to etsy. In the search field, click on the drop down menu and click "sellers", in the box beside that, type "snowfish" and her items will come up in a new window. I assure you, it was very much worth the minute or 2 that it takes to get there. I'm really having a hard time restraining myself from buying several of these adorable ornaments.

Thats pretty much my blog ramblings for today! I'm looking forward to a new week and several ideas are brewing up on the quilting/sewing front. I hope to post a few later this week.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Wow, it's been nealy 2 months since i've last posted? Yes, life surely does get in the way at times! However, i've still had some time to create here and there!

This wallhanging is my lastest creation. Although, it's not quite finished yet and I still need redo the checkerboard patches in it, I think I will be quite happy with it in the end. I am contemplating on doing this up in all blues or some other color to match my house. The design in itself is just do darn cute. If, I had one to leave up all winter long, id be so happy!

Mr Joe Cool Pumpkin here, what can I say? I LOVE HIM! This was the 2nd of these I made. I had to learn blanket stitching in this project. It is by far perfect, but for only the 2nd try, ill live with how it's done. Mr Joe Cool still looks cool!

This little jacket, I machine appliqued the Tinkerbell on the front of the jacket and also added another applique to the back! Little Miss Tinkerbell lover was quite happy with this when it was finished. I so love to create things for little girls!

And, there you have it! Other than one other project that I cant post at this time, that's what i've been up to in the way of sewing!

On a few other notes...

I just recently discovered Google Reader. What a surprise it was to find out how convenient this is. Daily, i'd scan all the blogs i so love to read, in fear that i'd miss a post. You do know, that would be traumatic right? ;) Neeless to say with an ever growing list of about 50 blogs now, this did take some time. With Google reader, ya just pop all the blogs into the program and Google tells you which blogs have been updated. If you dont have this and you like to keep up with several blogs, I greatly recommend it.

As a very good friend was kind enough to remind me the other day, Christmas was only 64 days away (I think it's now 62 days). Am I the only one who says that friend just can't be right? 60 some days away? Omygosh, lets change the subject already!

With that all being said, im gonna stop here before I bore you all. Plus, yes life is calling me and i've got all those Mom and Wife things to do today. Im back to blog again and I do have some of what I think are awesome things coming up to tell you about. So, keep checking back!

Have a great day,