Sunday, October 3, 2010

Things Accomplished

Wow, it's great to be back in the quilting groove again! I really had no idea how much I missed it until at 6:30 this morning. I was setting at my table sewing and wondering what had ever taken me away from doing something I so much love to do? I still have no answer really, other than to say life! It sure does feel good though to getting projects completed again. Even at 6:30 am. Not being an early morning person, im usually not up for sewing at that time of day unless i have already been up all tonight, thus far. With the house being nice and quiet, kids tucked in their beds, hubby off and was heaven on earth this morning. I just may have to make an attempt to get up early more often to sew.

The first project that I finished yesterday was the "completed" Dresden tabletopper. I really do not know if it's finished or not. I like it, but yet feel it still needs some quilting or something. It is intended for my husbands aunt. The question is, of course I like it so well, will I be able to part with it?

Again, the picture does these fabrics no justice at all. Have I mentioned that i am in desperate need of a new camera and also learn how to take good pictures that are nice and straight? It will come with experience right? I believe these fabrics are Aster Manor by 3 Sisters for Moda Fabrics. They were the first fat quarter bundle that i've purchased. I cant wait to visit my LQS in the near future to get other fat quarter bundles.

The project that im currently working on is this Sandy Gervais design. Sandy did an awesome job at coming up with this mini quilt for the Fall Blog Hop. I'm not sure that the one im working on will be nearly as cute as Sandy's as I didnt have enough ecru/cream/white scraps to do the patchwork like Sandy did on hers.

You can find this sweet little Pumpkin Spice design by visiting Sandys blog called Pieces From My Heart.

So, that is what I have been up to. I am creating again and life is good! Be back in the next day or 2 to show the finished Pumpkin Spice mini quilt.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

It's Nearly October

Wow, I had known I was doing some serious neglecting of my blog these past few months. FEW months??? I was shocked when I logged in and saw i've been neglecting since March. I was still working at H&R Block this past March and that seems like it's been eons ago. The summer days that seemed to so slowly crawl by are gone and now the crisp fall air is setting in. I love fall though and am glad to see this past summer be just that, the past. It was not a kind summer at all! Although, I wont complain. Im a firm believer in that there is a "lesson" to learn for every tribulation that life deals at times. They are lessons/answers that i'd much rather not have to soul search to find. Sometimes, I find them. Other times, I dont. Irreguardless, trials and tribulations along with the good things in life are what makes me who I am. And since I still wake up each day, able to see another sunrise and sunset, life is still good even in it's darkest hours.

So what's new on the sewing/quilting front? Not a thing! I had started a Dresden Plate Table Topper way back when and it's still not finished yet. Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE to make Dresden Plates? I had started it with a fat quarter bundle and didn't have enough the print that I wanted for the border in it. Two weeks ago, I went to a Quilt Store in the hopes that they may have had the line of fabric I needed. I hit gold and they had it. The new fabrics, ric rac and started table topper have been lying in a nice little neat pile ever since. Sorry for the quality of the picture, it stinks, i know!

My good friend (sewing machine), that sticks by me through thick and thin has also been feeling quite neglected. She sets upstairs in her room just waiting for me to find some time to spend with her. Im feeling a few dates coming her way in the near future. Christmas will be here before I know it and I have several gifts planned. Christmas??? It's time to start thinking of that again too? But first, I must put the room back together again. I tore down the folding tables that I use for cutting and sewing for various reasons and that room had become a real mess through the process as I quickly needed the tables and had just thrown everything wherever there was room to throw.

I had also learned a new craft over the summer. Stitching Cards! They are so fun to do and so awesome to give away. I have made a few of them now for additional gifts. I do them in way that they they are able to be framed if the recipient so chooses and bought the frames to include in the packages given. Both recipients had thought they were the neatest thing. Both had been personalized with their names and such to fit the occassions. I have also made myself 2 bookmarkers. I laminated them with clear contact paper and put little tassles on them. So cute! This is a really cheap craft also. To get started, you just need some embroidery thread, card stock and needles. Oh and of course something to "punch" the holes in the card stock with. I just used my awl that I use for quilting. It worked perfectly. You could just use a regular sharp need too for punching. While i'd love to post pictures of the bookmarks that I have made, I don't understand all the copyright laws posted on the website of the patterns, so id better not put up pictures. However, you can take a look at the different patterns at if you'd like to see.

I guess this is all for today. Perhaps later in the day, I will reacquaint my sewing machine and kitchen table again. They had a relationship long ago before the days of my taking the time to turn a spare bedroom into a sewing room. And if I sew, then i'd have a reason to come back and keep updating with the finished table topper pictured above and get some incentive to start on other projects.

Hopefully, i'll be back soon with something fun to talk about and get reacquainted with Blogland.

For now, take care and see you soon.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Still Living

Oh yes, it's true! I am still alive and life is busy, but good! Although, I've not did any sewing at all. I havent even been in my sewing room for several weeks now. I hear it calling my name at times and i just cant find the time to escape into my own little haven and let all my cares of the world roll off my shoulders by the way of sewing.
I started back to work for Tax Season on January 4th and as much as I really do enjoy my job and get to see people, I really miss my sewing time.
Today, I had to work only for 3 hours and as I was finishing my short but much enjoyed shift, i was wondering what i'd do with my afternoon? I didnt really have any plans to speak of. As I was on my way home, it suddenly hit me. I hadnt been to my LQS since before Christmas. So off the the LQS I went to visit. They had the cutest pattern there with 9 little mini quilts. Of course, it had to come home with me. As well as 4 fat quarters. I was in bliss!
A few months ago, my camera stopped working. It no longer has a working flash. WOOhoo, a new camera is in the future soon. One just cant keep up a decent sewing/quilting blog without a decent functioning camera, right? Hey, it sounds like a good excuse to tell my husand!
Life in general has been treating me very kindly these past few months. There's been very few downs and alot of ups!
And there ya have it. My life for the past few months while I wasnt very successful at keeping up with blogging. As you can see, there wasnt much by way of sewing to blog about. I hope to be back at sewing, blogging, picture taking, etc again very soon.
