Thursday, July 23, 2009


Ever since I have started quilting, I have always been fascinated by dresdens of any sort. They looked way to much difficult for me to even attempt though. Last Night, I was browsing the web and what did a come across? A wonderful way to easily complete them! The picture shows my first block that I did last night. I just couldnt wait to do at least one.

I cant decide what color scheme to use in a big quilt. We're in need of a winter quilt. So, i'm thinking possibly dark colors with a cream background? Shall I use only certain colors or go totally scrappy? I have a HUGE amount of scraps! Perhaps the dresdens will help to use those up a bit if I should decide to go that route.

I saw my other quilt at my LQS yesterday, it looks fabulous! Its not much different than before, but there are some little differences. Best of all, at least the blocks all line up now. It will be done tomorrow for me to pick it up (actually it was done today but I was busy). I can't wait!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

First of the 9 Patch Blocks

They are started! These are the beginning blocks of the 9 patch quilt-a-long. I was very pleased with the way these blocks finished. It's exciting to start more tomorrow.

These blocks are so easy to create. It took about 1 hour to cut, iron, sew these blocks. I cant wait to make more of them tomorrow.
I plan to make approximately 3 blocks per day. Im going to give this quilt to my mom, who has just recently been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She will be having surgery in the near future. I thought this would be a nice, bright and cheery quilt to give to her.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

This and That

Woohoo, I finally figured out something that is at least close to the desired effect of how I wanted my pictures to align on blogspot. Now if only I could figure out how to type in between the pictures instead of having them all in a row with nothing in between.
Anyways, this is the same quilt that is in my header and also at my LQS getting fixed. These pics were taken before I left it at the LQS, can you see any of the booboo's in it???
Im very excited to go this week and see how the quilt is coming along. I am really anxious to get it finished up after i get it back and enjoy it for awhile this summer. I love the color Orange and the quilt is very girlish (perhaps even a bit childish?)imo. Im sure my dh will love having the quilt on our bed. ;) Thank goodness he's a go with the flow type of guy and really wont care. As long as there is a blanket and pillow on the bed at night, he doesnt care what it is. What a great guy!
So, tomorrow starts the beginning of crazymomquilts quilt-a-long. Ive joined the fun. Have I looked into my scrap bins for my first block to sew tomorrow morning? Who are you kidding, of course I haven't!!! This weekend flew by so fast that I really didnt even have time to think about sewing.
And speaking of the weekend... it was a great weekend to say the least. Friday night, the boys went to see a movie. Bob and I spent most of the evening just lazy'ing around the house not doing too much of anything. Yesterday, we went to some Amish Farms and bought some fresh vegetables. Today, I spent much of the day cleaning and making homemade Chicken Noodle soup. My Parents came to visit this evening and we played a game of cards with them. So as you can see, nothing overly exciting but it was a nice, quiet and relaxing weekend for the most part.
Well, i guess i'd better go and hit the scrap bins and see what I can round up for my first 1 or 2 block for the 9 patch quilt-a-long. Stay tuned this week, as i hope to have some pics of finished and unfinished projects that i've done in my quilting adventures. :)

Friday, July 17, 2009

My first Quilt-a-long

Oh, im so excited, Amanda Jean over at crazymom quilts is hosting a quilt-a-long. I decided to join this one. It's a 9 patch one a day block. At the end of 70 days, we will have enough blocks to make a 66x90 quilt (with sashing). Sounds like fun huh? Thank you Amanda Jean!
If you'd like to check it out, the addy for Amanda Jeans site is It starts this coming Monday, July 20.

I havent gone to see about my quilt yet at the LQS. I dont want them to think im in rush to get it back, because really i'm not. It will be just one more project laying around needing to get finished! And I just joined a quilt-a-long??? LOL I will maybe stop by later next week. They sell scrap bags there from the projects they make in the store. They will be great to use for Amanda Jeans quilt-a-long. I may tho, wait to pick up a bag or 2 until i've used up some of my scraps here. I think that is idea of the quilt a long anyways (well, at least MY idea). To use up scraps at home, not go buy more.

If I dont make it back to posting before Monday, have a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My name is Holly. I've been reading quilting blogs for about a year now. After learning so much from blogs and seeing all the fun, I decided it was time for me to give this a try.
I am currently working on the quilt that is pictured in my header. Well, sort of working on it. Im a quilter that never has a plan when I start a quilt. Well, as you might have guessed or even known from previous experience, not having a plan is not a good idea!
The quilt is absolutely gorgeous. It actually has a bit more added to it than what the picture shows. However, not having a plan did catch up with me on this quilt. It is now at my LQS getting "fixed". I so love the girls at my LQS! I was going to throw the quilt in the trash. No, they wouldnt let me do so. With quilting for just 3-4 years, finding a way to fix mistakes does not come easy to me. Let alone I detest ripping anything out, especially nearly a whole quilt. These girls have graciously offered to rip out what needs ripped out, put another border into it and get it back on track for me to finish up. What awesome quilters they are! I will be sure and post pics of it again when it returns.
So, this is my quilting blog for my first post. I hope to learn more about blogger as I go along. I wanted to take todays post in a completely different direction and had a completely subject in mind. However, I couldnt get pictures to line up as I wanted them.
Im already planning a giveaway when I reach 50 followers (who knows, maybe even before then). So, add me to your list and keep checking back. You never know if you might be the lucky winner(s).

P.S. - I have listed just SOME of the blogs on the right side of my page. I didnt ask anyone if i could do so. ;0 If, I have listed your blog and you'd prefer that I hadnt, please contact me and i will be happy to remove it. And, yes im working on getting just the page titles to appear with the addy's embedded in them. I guess the sensible thing to do would be read the tutorials that come along with blogger????? lol